5 Things That Will Destroy Rochester Bars and Clubs

  1. Violence
  2. Bad Customer Service
  3. Bad Reviews
  4. Drunk Customers
  5. Poor Wi-Fi service

Media reports of violence will deter customers who are looking for a relaxing night out. Imagine a night out where a bar fight caused drinks to the spilled on you or the music is interrupted by the police raiding the bar and interviewing everyone. This bad experience is not likely to bring you back soon, is it? The solution is simple: good management and security guards.

Bad customers service leads to bad reviews. Since most would be customers check your reviews before visiting your establishment, the impact is far reaching. Investing in customer service training for your staff is the best marketing expenditure you can make. Great customer experiences will lead to word of mouth referrals from satisfied customers. There’s no better marketing money can buy.

Intoxicated customers can ruin the experience of those around them, increase the chance of violence and expose your establishment to liability for drunken driving accidents and bar fights. Consider providing free cover charge and drinks to the designated driver. Train your security staff and servers to be alert to who is leaving with who to ensure a safe ride home and minimize your liability. Consider making special arrangements with a local taxi company or ride service for customers who should not get behind the wheel. Train your servers to upsell food and slow the pace of drink service as the nights goes on.

Mobile devices and smart phones are more than a means of communication, they are also frequently used as a means of payment. Today, internet service is expected at businesses. Social media is so integral to the social scene and nightlife, you risk losing money by not having good Wi-Fi service.