A Temporary Beer & Wine Permit for single events or fundraisers

Don’t have a liquor license but looking to hold an occasional event serving wine and beer? You can obtain a temporary permit rather than a full license for this purpose. This is typically used for fundraising events held by an organization, or annual awards or members celebrations. A Temporary Beer & Wine Permit is issued to an individual or organization authorizing the sale or service of wine or beer at retail for consumption at a gathering. This permit is for specific events, not to be used to temporarily open an establishment for the general public to consume alcoholic beverages. Beer and wine must be purchased from a licensed brewer, winery or wholesaler only. You may not purchase the beer/wine from any retail licensee (e.g. grocery store/liquor store).

Temporary Beer & Wine Permits generally may not be issued for events taking place upon any premises for which the State Liquor Authority has issued any license or has issued a permit more than four (4) times within any one year period. The Authority may, at its discretion, issue additional single permits if it is determined that the application for a permit is not an attempt to circumvent the licensing process and the issuance of the permit would not be a detriment to the community or the surrounding neighborhood. Whether or not the issuance of the permit would be a detriment to the community is to be determined by the State Liquor Authority after consultation with municipal authorities, police agencies and community boards to review community or neighborhood or police agency complaints or violations of state or local laws.