Five Best Practices to be Sure Your Restaurant or Bar is Profitable.

  1. Education is an investment with Return on Investment (ROI).  Educate your staff on your food and cocktails and teach them how to upsell the fancier items whenever possible.
  2. Have dedicated cashiers to ring up orders to lower chances of servers “pocketing” money.
  3. Teach your servers to turn tables as quickly as possible.  Learn the art of not making customers feel rushed while moving them through the meal at a timely pace.
  4. Involve your staff.  Reward them for money saving ideas.  You’ll not only save money, you’ll boost morale by making your staff feel involved and making them feel their opinion is valued.
  5. Invest in equipment that saves labor or energy.  Power bills and labor costs are a significant part of your operating costs.  These long-term savings can really impact your bottom line.